How To Market Your Salon on Facebook?
Learn the inside scoop on how to market your salon with Facebook! Get more fans and visitors coming to your page!
With the increasing use of social media in the beauty industry, it’s important that hairstylists and salon owners know how to connect with their clients and use platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in a way that clients will enjoy and that will benefit your salon services like hair extensions.

Market your Salon
There are many different avenues for Facebook marketing. There is the traditional posting for organic traffic to your page, then there is paid advertising. Both routes are great, especially if you’re a local business and want to Market your Salon. In this day and age local businesses can strive off of social media channels just like Facebook, which is the platform of choice for most people. You can start with organic marketing which consists of posting to your Facebook page multiple times a week, at least 2-3 times preferably. Posting things like videos, before and after pictures, events and much more is a great start! Also, by posting to your Facebook page multiple times per week, this causes you to start building a fan base which is crucial. Once you start picking up followers and likes, that’s when you have started to succeed in the social marketing world. Creating at atmosphere for all your friends, fans and followers to see how your business is doing on a day to day is a great first step to market and bring them in to your salon! It’s important to talk about other things other then your business as well. It’s very important to keep your followers and fans engaged in your blog posts so they can comment, share and like. Also, another creative strategy is paid Facebook marketing. Things like boosting your post, or even creating an awesome campaign for your salon is a great approach to getting the word out to the local community about your business. You can set any budget of your choice, all the way from $1 per day, to an endless amount of your choice. This type of strategy is used by many local salons to increase exposure, and create a local presence within the community.So, think your ready to get started? Click here for more information on how your own business Facebook page!Also, for your awesome next gathering you should think about creating a Facebook event! Here's more information on how:
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